Orbitor Electronic Listening Device

Orbitor Electronic Listening Device
This top of the line secret surveillance device is perfect for when you really need to know what's going on! Once you own the Orbitor you'll discover thousands of uses for it. The Orbitor's ears and eyes are powerful enough to capture distant sounds (and voices) from 300 feet away. Viewfinder with 10x prism optical system lets you zoom in and see what you're hearing close up. Sounds and images impossible for the human ears and eyes to pick up will now seem as if you're only a couple of feet away.
Imagine sitting in the upper deck of a pro baseball stadium and being able to hear and see players talking in the dugout. Outdoorsmen and bird watchers can tap into Nature's secrets like never before. Nature lovers will be thrilled at the sound quality of this ingenious listening device. Find out what's really going on with your kids and their friends. Take it to a concert when you're too far away from the action. Opera-lovers and theatergoers can sit in the back row and hear as well as those in the $300 front seats.
The Orbitor Electronic Listening Device includes a playback system that records up to 12 seconds on a digital chip--so you not only hear from afar, you have an electronic record of it. A pair of comfortable padded full-size headphones is included.