The Ultimate Flashlight Stun Gun

The Ultimate Flashlight Stun Gun
Who is that lurking in the shadows behind your car? Robber? Rapist? Or even worse yet a murderer? Don't scoff. A rape occurs every 30 minutes in the U.S. The Titan FM Stun Gun is a device everyone should have in case of danger. With a typical stun gun a shady character is always ready to break through your defense because they can see it beforehand. Because this stun gun is masked to look exactly like an innocent looking flashlight, the bad guy will be caught off guard. A quick zap with a powerful electric charge and he won't know what hit him. And at 80KV it packs a wallop. A moderate blast of 1 to 3 seconds will cause an attacker to fall to the ground and result in minor mental disorientation. A full charge of 3 to 6 seconds will fully immobilize the attacker, in most cases causing a loss of balance and severe disorientation, putting them on the ground, dazed and weak for several minutes. Also comes with its own carrying case that can be attached to your belt or purse strap. This ultra light weight stun gun is powered by a built-in 3.6v battery. You need real protection in a dangerous world. The Titan FM Flashlight Stun Gun gives it to you.
Good gift for anyone, but especially a lady (wife, daughter) in your life.
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